upcoming shows January 10th Capones SpeakeasyShelbyville, IN8:00PMSee the Venue February 1st8th Day DistilleryIndianaplis,IN7:00PMSee the Venue January 11th Smocktown BreweryGreenwood, IN 8:00PM See the Venue February 8thSmocktown Brewery Greenwood, IN8:00PMSee the Venue January 24thDukes SaloonIndianapolis,IN8:00PMSee the Venue February 19th Red Barn Radio Lexington, KY4:15-4:30PMSee the Venue January 27thSlippery NoodleIndianapolis,IN7:30PMSee the Venue March 15thLO-FI songwriter’s round Indianapolis, IN7:00PMSee the Venue